
Create an unrivaled customer experience.

Become a true partner to your shipper with Raft’s customer experience tools. Show them exactly how indispensable you can be.

Illustration of a yellow crane lifting a shipping containerIllustration of a yellow crane lifting a shipping container

Container visibility + operational visibility = actionable visibility.

Drive true insights into your customer’s supply chain by delivering both physical location as well as operational status in one seamless experience.

Share detailed SKU and item-level visibility, without the manpower.

Deliver a premium service to all your customers by enriching container visibility with details from invoice, packing list and PO in-platform, using Raft’s data extraction services.

Drive new sales by adding more value online.

Make your customer’s online interactions work pre- and post-sale. Deliver rates online through Raft, automatically execute, and stay connected to your customer throughout the shipment lifecycle.

Deliver the best third-party data direct to your customer (and your TMS).

Raft works with a selection of visibility - and other data service - providers, and keeps both your customer and TMS updated.


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Become more than
a freight forwarding partner.

Discover just how indispensable you can be.

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