Masterpiece's data-driven customer service transformation with Raft

Learn how Masterpiece improved efficiency by up to 93%, saving 1k labor hours monthly, while achieving customer service excellence.

With Matt Yankow (Director of Process Optimization), Susan Erfesoglou (SVP Quality Management and Compliance), and Brian Summers (VP Technology)

Masterpiece International, part of Magnate Worldwide, is an international logistics company specializing in fine art transport as well as general freight. It is the undisputed leader in US art logistics with 300 employees across 16 global offices.

New York, United States
Raft Solution Used


of labor saved per month by operators using Raft
documents processed per month with 0 to minimal user interaction
Brian Summers, VP Technology, Magnate Worldwide


With a focus on high-touch, critical shipments where the cost of failure is high, Masterpiece International differentiates itself through exceptional customer service. Using Raft’s intelligent logistics platform to automate multiple parts of the shipment lifecycle from finance and customs to freight forwarding operations, Masterpiece not only set out to improve operational efficiency but also elevate customer service to unmatched levels. 

Before adopting Raft, Masterpiece faced several challenges that hampered operational efficiency:

  • Manual data entry: The process of manually entering data was not only time-consuming but also prone to errors.
  • Inconsistencies in data entry: Multiple ways of entering data led to inconsistencies and a lack of uniformity in processes.
  • Lack of detailed reporting: Providing detailed landed costing and compliance reporting to customers was a daunting task.

"Nobody likes to do data entry, especially entering data in the same document over and over again. Wouldn't you rather use the technology to process the data so that you as an operator or a salesperson can focus on value-add tasks for the customer? Employees have come to realize that there's a better use of their time than entering a shipping notification."

Brian Summers, VP Technology, Magnate Worldwide

"Nobody likes to do data entry, especially entering data in the same document over and over again. Wouldn't you rather use the technology to process the data so that you as an operator or a salesperson can focus on value-add tasks for the customer? Employees have come to realize that there's a better use of their time than entering a shipping notification."

Brian Summers, VP Technology, Magnate Worldwide


The decision to embrace Raft was not taken lightly. The leadership at Masterpiece, represented by Susan (SVP Data/Compliance), Brian (VP Technology), and Matt (Director Process Optimization), undertook a program of cultural ambassadorship and education before implementing Raft. They opted for an iterative approach, emphasizing how technology augments teams, in order to build internal trust and reliance in the platform.

"We're making technology the personal assistant for our teams, let's take out the stuff that's a little bit more challenging, but never take away the customer service."

Susan Erfesoglou, SVP Quality Management and Compliance, Masterpiece International

Raft's success in integrating with CargoWise, a complex task mastered by few, has been a standout feature for Masterpiece. Furthermore, the partnership with Raft is characterized by open communication and collaboration, with the Raft team being responsive to Masterpiece's needs and contributing to the development of features that align with real-world logistics challenges.

“When you’ve got 12 branches across the country with different people, everybody's going to enter data in a different way. Now we're seeing it done consistently for the things that we process. And that makes a huge difference for the customer.”

Matt Yankow, Director of Process Optimization, Masterpiece International


The implementation of Raft brought about transformative results for Masterpiece:

  • Improved data integrity and speed: Raft significantly enhanced the quality of data, eliminating errors and accelerating data processing times. On a monthly basis, operators using Raft save just under 1,000 hours of labor.
  • Streamlined document processing: From AP invoices to Pre-Alerts, Masterpiece is automating up to 93% of documents each month with zero to minimal user interaction using Raft. In one month alone, operators processed 30,000 packs/packing lists. 
  • Consistency in processes: Raft added a layer of consistency to operations, ensuring uniformity in data entry and processes.
  • Enhanced operational metrics visibility: Raft provided newfound visibility into operational metrics, revealing key insights such as document processing times by operator, which enabled Masterpiece to optimize its business processes efficiently. 
  • Faster and richer customer reporting: Raft's capabilities led to faster and more detailed customer reporting, strengthening existing relationships and paving the way for new business opportunities.
  • Increased customer portal engagement: The utilization of Raft, which provided high-quality data without incurring additional labor costs, not only increased usage of Masterpiece's customer portal, Atlas, but also played an instrumental role in customer retention and new business acquisition. 
  • Elevated customer service: Enriched data and streamlined processes empowered Masterpiece to be a high-expectation freight forwarder, exceeding customer service levels.

“When you’ve got 12 branches across the country with different people, everybody's going to enter data in a different way. Now we're seeing it done consistently for the things that we process. And that makes a huge difference for the customer.”

Matt Yankow, Director of Process Optimization, Masterpiece International

"Nobody likes to do data entry, especially entering data in the same document over and over again. Wouldn't you rather use the technology to process the data so that you as an operator or a salesperson can focus on value-add tasks for the customer? Employees have come to realize that there's a better use of their time than entering a shipping notification."

“When you’ve got 12 branches across the country with different people, everybody's going to enter data in a different way. Now we're seeing it done consistently for the things that we process. And that makes a huge difference for the customer.”

Matt Yankow, Director of Process Optimization, Masterpiece International

"Nobody likes to do data entry, especially entering data in the same document over and over again. Wouldn't you rather use the technology to process the data so that you as an operator or a salesperson can focus on value-add tasks for the customer? Employees have come to realize that there's a better use of their time than entering a shipping notification."

Masterpiece's journey with Raft showcases a paradigm shift in the freight forwarding industry. By using AI-powered technology, Masterpiece not only streamlined its operations but also enhanced its customer service capabilities. The focus on data integrity, consistency, and innovation positions Masterpiece as a trailblazer in the logistics domain, setting new standards for customer satisfaction and operational excellence. As they continue their collaboration with Raft, the future holds exciting possibilities for further advancements in the logistics landscape. 

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