Navia Freight's operational transformation through AI

Learn how Navia Freight leverages Raft AI's automated logistics finance solution to streamline invoice processing, enhance operational efficiency, and gain actionable performance insights.

Navia is a fully integrated freight and logistics company delivering empowered outcomes across all aspects of freight forwarding logistics including sea freight, air freight, customs clearance and e-commerce.

Melbourne, Australia
Raft Solution Used


of manual document processing time saved per month
documents processed per month with 0 user intervention


Navia Freight’s existing AP processes were heavily reliant on manual intervention, leading to several operational inefficiencies:

  • High volume and Complexity: Managing thousands of invoices monthly, each with varying levels of complexity and detail.
  • Human errors: Frequent mistakes in data entry and processing due to the manual nature of the tasks.
  • Time-consuming processes: Staff spent a significant amount of time on repetitive tasks, detracting from higher-value activities and strategic initiatives.


To tackle these challenges, Navia Freight implemented Raft AI’s cutting-edge automation tools. The solution offered by Raft AI included several key features:

  • Advanced document processing: Automated data extraction from invoices, reducing the need for manual entry.
  • Data validation: Cross-referencing extracted data with existing records to ensure accuracy and consistency.
  • Automated workflows: Streamlining approval processes, reducing the time required for invoice approval and payment.

AI now takes care of tasks our staff did not enjoy, and the automation required us to optimize our processes, revealing areas for improvement. This has not only streamlined our operations but has also allowed us to provide better service to our customers.

With Rob Ardesi (COO at Navia Freight)


The implementation of Raft AI’s solution brought about transformative changes in Navia Freight’s operations:

  • High automation rate: Approximately 75% of invoices were processed automatically, significantly reducing manual workload.
  • Minimal human Intervention: 35% of invoices required no human touch, while another 40% needed only minimal input.
  • Time savings: Over 3,000 minutes of document processing were automated each week, freeing up staff for more strategic tasks.
  • Improved efficiency: The automation of repetitive tasks led to fewer errors and faster processing times, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

AI now takes care of tasks our staff did not enjoy, and the automation required us to optimize our processes, revealing areas for improvement. This has not only streamlined our operations but has also allowed us to provide better service to our customers.

With Rob Ardesi (COO at Navia Freight)

Rob Ardesi, COO, Navia Freight

The positive impact of Raft AI on Navia Freight’s operations was substantial:

  • Operational optimization: By automating routine tasks, staff could focus on higher-value activities, leading to improved service quality and customer satisfaction.
  • Performance insights: The AI-driven solution provided deeper insights into operational performance, allowing for better decision-making and strategic planning.
  • Scalability: The automated system enabled Navia Freight to handle increased volumes of invoices without a proportional increase in manual effort.

AI now takes care of tasks our staff did not enjoy, and the automation required us to optimize our processes, revealing areas for improvement. This has not only streamlined our operations but has also allowed us to provide better service to our customers.

With Rob Ardesi (COO at Navia Freight)

Rob Ardesi, COO, Navia Freight

Navia Freight’s successful deployment of Raft AI’s automated logistics finance solution highlights the transformative potential of AI in the logistics industry. By enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and operational insights, Raft AI has enabled Navia Freight to optimize its processes and deliver superior service to its clients. This case study exemplifies how technology can drive significant improvements in complex operational environments.

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